20 July 2012

Secret Walls

The first Secret Walls quarter final happened on 8th July with The Hores vs Matthew James. I was there and I was drinking, here are some average photos of the excellent finished pieces:

The Hores (who won)

Matthew James

The next event is this Sunday 22nd July with the lovely Vomit vs Rikki Finn. If you've ever read this blog before, you'll know who I'll be loudly biased towards.

19 July 2012

Few bits from June

If you look to your right you'll notice this: 'The best bits of Birmingham street art (and my own guerilla knitting ventures) updated when I'm not feeling lazy.' so no bitchin'.

Zoot on Warwick Street

Goon on Warwick Street

Ludo on Livery Street

Graffiti4hire have been busy around the Custard Factory, here's my favourite bit of busy-ness:
Gibb Street