11 December 2011

A giant woolly jumper

Ouch was out this week with his cans! More please!

Also out again this week were C3 and Grr-izzly, this time with new ladies and penguins:
I've finally actually gone into town and seen The Bullring's bull with his winter jumper on, knitted by Stitches and Hos who meet once a month at the Hare and Hounds in Kings Heath. I plan to go to their next meeting and see if they want to be friends.


  1. Many thanks for the mention on your blog. It makes it worth while knowing they are being appreciated.

    Grr-izzly x

  2. Hey loving the work you're doing - would love if you could get in contact with me about a few collaborations. sarahatmhvhdotcodotuk :)
