22 January 2012


On the streets this week; Rebel soldiers and the result of Tempo nearly falling off a ladder:

Tempo33, Birchall Street

Birmingham (well, Wolverhampton)'s own; The Toasters, have achieved worldwide legend status and are now releasing a film. Here's what they had to say to (the excellent) VNA about it:

So the film 'Everywhere' is about to be released. Could you tell us a bit more about the film?

TOASTER D: It's a rollercoaster of a novel packed with sizzling gypsies... ha ha. No, it's really an insight into the Toaster project. 99% of the footage will have never been seen before and there will be some new work that the public did not know existed. Running through the film will be people's reaction to our work, from other artists to the man on the street.

TOASTER A: Typical of the Toaster project, it is not just purely about street art. For me it's also a part of the project not just a documentation of the project. The aim was always to get our image up and releasing a film is another way of doing this.

How different is it documenting your work in video form compared to still photography or have you always tried to do both?

TOASTER A: D and B are the filmmakers.

TOASTER B: With photography we have tended to document the piece when it is finished. With filming we tend to shoot the whole process, which has actually helped us analyse our painting techniques and improve our work.

TOASTER D: Well, this film started as a book as we have millions of photographs. Then we thought we've got a story to tell. Making a film and putting it out online would make it far more accessible. Filming the new pieces we've done this year has been really challenging, particularly on the bigger productions. Just the logistics of balancing the camera, framing the shot, getting the piece still looking good and not attracting attention!

- Words by George Macdonald and Geoff Whitehouse

I will be at the Wolverhampton screening, attempting to talk to one of The Toasters without melting. See you there!
March 2011: The Toasters with Space3, Zime and Tempo33, Adderley Street

 March 2011: The Toasters with Space3, Zime and Tempo33, Fazeley Street

June 2011: Toaster and Zime stickers, Park Street

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