21 November 2011

Street Spotted at 6/8 Kafe

You can't judge me this time! Yesterday I slept, worked and put all the photos from Street Spotted on my Flickr at 1 in the morning! No complaining! You should have been there to see it live!

Street Spotted was a success! The cafe's basement was busy constantly from 4-8 and some excellent work was produced by Curs, G87, Lisk and Vomit. Box and Blackbone also came down from Manchester for the event but all that talent couldn't be left just sitting at a table so they did a piece together on a spare board. Photo time!




Curs, Vomit, Lisk and G87

Blackbone and Box

Vomit, Lisk and G87


Curs, Vomit, Lisk and G87

Blackbone and Box



Lisk's materials


Finished Blackbone and Box





Thanks to everyone that came down and supported us! Special thanks to; Lisk, Curs, G87, Vomit, Box, Blackbone, Jac, Bev, Phil, Mike's family, Danny, Storm, The Rebelgunslingers and of course Dav, Craig and all the 6/8 Kafe staff.

14 November 2011

Detective Floozy

I should probably change my new-blog-post-day to Monday considering I usually work Saturday nights and can't be bothered to do anything except eat fried chicken and fall asleep watching low quality TV on Sundays... Anyway! I'm rubbish, here's some street art:

Excellent new stickers from C3 (you can also search for her on Instagram if you happen to possess an iPhone, search C_3) and Grr-izzly have appeared on Bradford Street this week:

Detective Floozy has a new mystery to solve; two new paste designs have appeared and I have no idea who did them, here's the evidence:

There has been speculation as to the identity of the mystery paster, it is possible they are responsible for this unsolved case from May 2011:

If you have seen the mystery paster, have any information relating to the mystery paster or are the mystery paster; please comment/email/Facebook/Flickr/Tweet me so I can start sleeping at night.

Newso and Agent (of the 48s) were involved in a project over the weekend which saw them outline 'WELCOME TO DIGBETH BAB' on the boards opposite the coach station on Friday, supervise 60 youths from The-Challenge filling in the letters on Saturday and finish the work off on Sunday. I bothered Newso when I saw him painting on Friday and trying to relax in The Rainbow on Saturday night to find out this information.

Saturday (before the kids arrived)

Sunday (finished - photo from Newso's blog)

The winner of PTP's pumpkin carve-off has been voted for this week and it turns out that I've won (I promise I didn't vote for myself). It's been a good year; I've won Sticky Missions, a totem pole by Matthew Dent and a pumpkin carving competition. Here's my winning pumpkin:

Talking of competitions; this week my Facebook page finally reached 66 likes and so to decide who would win the mini Wah lollipop board, I had to cut out strips of paper with all 66 likers names on, then fold them up and put them in my bowler hat and then choose a winner:

Well done Sophie! The board will be posted to you when I get it from Wah and then I demand to see photos of it in your home, being treated right.

Street Spotted is this Saturday! It's going to be awesome; four brilliant artists, the best cafe in Brum and arty goodies for your purchasing pleasure.

6 November 2011

Street Spotted returns!

As I mentioned last week, Street Spotted will be returning to Birmingham, this time at 6/8 Kafe on Temple Row in the city centre. 6/8 have the best coffee, snacks and staff in Brum and currently have an exhibition of work from Golden Boy, Lisk and Miss150 which will finish on the 19th. Naturally, Lisk and I thought this would be a perfect excuse for a closing party and another live art event, so we've roped in four excellent artists to show off their skills:

The art starts at 3 with tunes and art work for sale and you can see how many cool people are coming on the Facebook event page.

PTP started a pumpkin carving competition on Flickr a few weeks ago and I've only remembered to sort out my entry this week. The deadline for entries is today and the winner will be decided soon so for now here's mine and my favourites:

Superbly carved teeth by Obit

Troopin' by PTP

More of a ridiculously awesome sculpture than a carving by RDPJ Cakes (who also makes ridiculously awesome cakes)

Cheshire kitty by Bacon Jam

In a feature about Birmingham on The Culture Show (after the city being voted the most boring city in Europe), Michael Smith investigates and decides: 
"It's ridiculous to say that Birmingham's the most boring city in Europe; I think Birmingham's boring if you're boring."
 and I agree, obviously. The main source of deciding Birmingham isn't boring was Digbeth which led to lots of nice shots of street art:
As One on Floodgate Street

 'The graffiti house' on Fazeley Street

Newso and The 48s on Floodgate Street

Lisk on Floodgate Street

The Custard Factory's car park on High Street

1 November 2011

Halloween Treats

I'm not dead! I had to serve drinks to lots of people having fun at Halloween for three days straight and wimped out on my blogging duties... So! I apologise and to help you forgive me; here's some tasty arty goodies that will help you out of your sugar coma and won't give your teeth that weird furry layer.

Last Tuesday (25th) I tagged along with Lisk, Vomit and Mew when they were out pasting on and around Digbeth High Street. Sadly, most of their work had been removed by Thursday so here are some snaps from the night:

Vomit, Mew and Lisk on the most beautiful door ever


Obit, Mew, Lisk and Vomit

Vomit, Lisk and Mew


Vomit and Mew

Vomit and elderley Lisk

On Thursday I went to a free screening of 'The Birds' (1963 Alfred Hitchcock) at St Pauls Church in the Jewellery Quarter. It was put on by Jameson's Cult Film Club so there were actors dressed up as characters from the film running about shouting at people and lots of stuffed birds everywhere and flying birds projected onto the ceiling and - of course - loads of free whisky. Me getting drunk in a church does have relevance to this blog; there was also a piece painted by TX from graffiti4hire for the event that people were having their picture taken next to after being given fake blood 'scratches'. Photos!

The Rebel Gunslingers were out again last week and last night on Bradford Street:

I finally got some new knitting out last night! Here are a few of my favourites:

The plans to have a closing party for Lisk, Golden Boy and Miss150's exhibition at 6/8 Kafe with live art on the 19th November are more definite now that we've confirmed Lisk, Vomit, Curs and G87 to draw in the cafe's basement - which is bigger and less creepy than it sounds. I'm working on a poster and more details will come next week. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!