1 November 2011

Halloween Treats

I'm not dead! I had to serve drinks to lots of people having fun at Halloween for three days straight and wimped out on my blogging duties... So! I apologise and to help you forgive me; here's some tasty arty goodies that will help you out of your sugar coma and won't give your teeth that weird furry layer.

Last Tuesday (25th) I tagged along with Lisk, Vomit and Mew when they were out pasting on and around Digbeth High Street. Sadly, most of their work had been removed by Thursday so here are some snaps from the night:

Vomit, Mew and Lisk on the most beautiful door ever


Obit, Mew, Lisk and Vomit

Vomit, Lisk and Mew


Vomit and Mew

Vomit and elderley Lisk

On Thursday I went to a free screening of 'The Birds' (1963 Alfred Hitchcock) at St Pauls Church in the Jewellery Quarter. It was put on by Jameson's Cult Film Club so there were actors dressed up as characters from the film running about shouting at people and lots of stuffed birds everywhere and flying birds projected onto the ceiling and - of course - loads of free whisky. Me getting drunk in a church does have relevance to this blog; there was also a piece painted by TX from graffiti4hire for the event that people were having their picture taken next to after being given fake blood 'scratches'. Photos!

The Rebel Gunslingers were out again last week and last night on Bradford Street:

I finally got some new knitting out last night! Here are a few of my favourites:

The plans to have a closing party for Lisk, Golden Boy and Miss150's exhibition at 6/8 Kafe with live art on the 19th November are more definite now that we've confirmed Lisk, Vomit, Curs and G87 to draw in the cafe's basement - which is bigger and less creepy than it sounds. I'm working on a poster and more details will come next week. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

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