28 August 2011

Street Spotted has a poster!

I made a poster! Well, Lisk did all the arty picture backgrounds and names and the logo and the 'live art' bubble and I did the boring writing and wrestled with photoshop for a few days.

I'd like to draw your attention to the additions of Riseone and Mew to the line-up! There will also be free stickers and stuff for the grabbing and some more extravagant work for sale so keep some pennies away from the bar. 

If you've not already seen it, here's the Facebook event page, two weeks to go!
Additions to the streets this week came mainly from PTP who has now departed Birmingham for university related things. He has promised to keep in touch and we swapped some stickers and whatnot but Digbeth and I will miss him.

Big duckie! - Bradford Street, Digbeth
  Vomit 'peck' - Bradford Street, Digbeth 
(having a go at drawing someone else's character is called a 'bite' but ducks would 'peck', you probably knew that)

6TWO4 'peck' - Birchall Street, Digbeth

 My very own Malcom!

 Painted spray cans with Marvin duckie and shrooms

Also new on the streets are some quite badly stencilled moustaches (my can skills aren't brilliant but I haven't covered Digbeth to show everyone). 

The mystery moustache person seems to be preparing us for something so I thought they might be promotional, but there's already a well established music event that happens every couple of months called Mustachio! with a very similar logo so it can't be them and I don't see someone blatantly ripping off their design. 

Also, they've sprayed one of these moustaches over Golden Boy's giant paste which hurts me inside and is hugely disrespectful and breaks what is surely one of the first rules of graffiti/street art; don't go over anyone else's work unless you're friends/have permission. 

'Graffiti Wars' that was shown on Channel 4 earlier this month showed the very creative 'covering over' fight between King Robbo and Banksy (I have fairly reliable info that Robbo's out of the coma now, by the way). Watch it if you can find it, it seems to have been taken off 4OD.


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