I should probably change my new-blog-post-day to Monday considering I usually work Saturday nights and can't be bothered to do anything except eat fried chicken and fall asleep watching low quality TV on Sundays... Anyway! I'm rubbish, here's some street art:
Excellent new stickers from C3 (you can also search for her on Instagram if you happen to possess an iPhone, search C_3) and Grr-izzly have appeared on Bradford Street this week:
Detective Floozy has a new mystery to solve; two new paste designs have appeared and I have no idea who did them, here's the evidence:
There has been speculation as to the identity of the mystery paster, it is possible they are responsible for this unsolved case from May 2011:
If you have seen the mystery paster, have any information relating to the mystery paster or are the mystery paster; please comment/email/Facebook/Flickr/Tweet me so I can start sleeping at night.
Newso and Agent (of the 48s) were involved in a project over the weekend which saw them outline 'WELCOME TO DIGBETH BAB' on the boards opposite the coach station on Friday, supervise 60 youths from The-Challenge filling in the letters on Saturday and finish the work off on Sunday. I bothered Newso when I saw him painting on Friday and trying to relax in The Rainbow on Saturday night to find out this information.
The winner of PTP's pumpkin carve-off has been voted for this week and it turns out that I've won (I promise I didn't vote for myself). It's been a good year; I've won Sticky Missions, a totem pole by Matthew Dent and a pumpkin carving competition. Here's my winning pumpkin:
Talking of competitions; this week my Facebook page finally reached 66 likes and so to decide who would win the mini Wah lollipop board, I had to cut out strips of paper with all 66 likers names on, then fold them up and put them in my bowler hat and then choose a winner:
Well done Sophie! The board will be posted to you when I get it from Wah and then I demand to see photos of it in your home, being treated right.
Street Spotted is this Saturday! It's going to be awesome; four brilliant artists, the best cafe in Brum and arty goodies for your purchasing pleasure.
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