6 November 2011

Street Spotted returns!

As I mentioned last week, Street Spotted will be returning to Birmingham, this time at 6/8 Kafe on Temple Row in the city centre. 6/8 have the best coffee, snacks and staff in Brum and currently have an exhibition of work from Golden Boy, Lisk and Miss150 which will finish on the 19th. Naturally, Lisk and I thought this would be a perfect excuse for a closing party and another live art event, so we've roped in four excellent artists to show off their skills:

The art starts at 3 with tunes and art work for sale and you can see how many cool people are coming on the Facebook event page.

PTP started a pumpkin carving competition on Flickr a few weeks ago and I've only remembered to sort out my entry this week. The deadline for entries is today and the winner will be decided soon so for now here's mine and my favourites:

Superbly carved teeth by Obit

Troopin' by PTP

More of a ridiculously awesome sculpture than a carving by RDPJ Cakes (who also makes ridiculously awesome cakes)

Cheshire kitty by Bacon Jam

In a feature about Birmingham on The Culture Show (after the city being voted the most boring city in Europe), Michael Smith investigates and decides: 
"It's ridiculous to say that Birmingham's the most boring city in Europe; I think Birmingham's boring if you're boring."
 and I agree, obviously. The main source of deciding Birmingham isn't boring was Digbeth which led to lots of nice shots of street art:
As One on Floodgate Street

 'The graffiti house' on Fazeley Street

Newso and The 48s on Floodgate Street

Lisk on Floodgate Street

The Custard Factory's car park on High Street

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